Классификатор по физике
100 Physics
Ключевые слова:
- AdS/CFT correspondence
- atmospheric and oceanic physics
- atomic and molecular physics
- atomic physics
- Bose-Einstein condensation
- chaos
- charge-density wave
- chemical physics
- Classical Electrodynamics
- Computational physics
- condensed matter physics
- condensed matter theory
- electron-phonon interaction
- Electronic structure
- Electronic transport in condensed matter
- Electronics
- Equations of state
- experimental nuclear physics
- Fizika tverdogo tela
- General theory of fields and particles
- Gravity
- heavy ion physics
- high energy density
- laser physics
- linear and nonlinear optics
- low temperature physics
- Mathematical Physics
- microelectronics
- nanoelectronics
- Nanophysics
- neutron scattering
- nonlinear optics
- nuclear magnetic resonance
- optics
- Optoelectronics
- particle acceleration
- particle physics
- physical chemistry
- physical chemistry of polymers
- physics of magnetic phenomena
- physics of surfaces
- plasma
- plasma electrodynamics
- Plasma Physics
- plasmas
- quantization methods
- quantum
- quantum calculations
- quantum chaotic scattering
- Quantum Chromodynamics
- quantum cryptography
- quantum electronics
- quantum field theory
- quantum gravity
- quantum groups
- quantum information
- quantum magnetism
- quantum mechanics
- quantum Nanophysics
- quantum optics
- quantum phase transitions
- quantum statistics
- Quantum wells
- qubits and quantum measurements
- radiation mechanisms
- semiconductor lasers
- Semiconductors
- single-electron transistors
- solid state electronics
- spin
- spintronics
- Statistical Mechanics of
- Statistical Mechanics of Disordered Systems
- Statistical physics
- strongly correlated electronic systems
- Theoretical physics
- theory of nuclear reactions
- vakuum QCD
- x-ray diffraction